Garden with Grace

"I hope that while so many people are out smelling the flowers, someone is taking the time to plant some." ~H.Rappaport

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Peace & Grace

Fitting tribute to where Grace used to rest in the garden.

Fitting tribute to where Grace used to rest in the garden.

It’s been over a year since I blogged about the Porch Dog and the Porch Frog.  The entire 2013 gardening season went by in a  flash.

Grace, the dog, is no longer physically with us.   She passed away about 10 days after my Porch Dog/Frog post in late summer 2012. As anyone who has ever loved a pet knows, it was very sad and the loss felt profound. Someone once said that dogs come into our lives when they need us most, and they leave us when we need them most. How true that is. I still miss her today.

Pixie Grace Phlox

While the physical presence of Grace the dog disappeared, the spirit of Grace in the garden never left.  A neighbor provided some beautiful Pixie Grace Phlox to forever honor her memory in the garden. A total of six plants were added to the garden in the autumn of 2012 (one to mark each of the years that Grace spent with us during the 2nd half of her life) .

This variety of phlox was beautiful in the late summer of 2013. It bloomed near the anniversary of Grace’s journey to the Rainbow Bridge.  It was such a fitting tribute since the flowers were planted where Grace, the dog, often rested nearby, in a shady spot between the hydrangea and lilies.

Gardening with Grace Continues

Some friends have asked me to share some various gardening experiences as they start to discover their own love of gardening.  Because of this, I’ve decided that there is a need to keep the ‘Gardening with Grace’ blog going and to provide periodic updates about my own gardening experiences in New Hampshire (I am far from being an expert, but am a third generation backyard gardener!). I also am doing this for personal reasons too, so that I can continue to improve my skills and expertise in the area of social media and expand on my own personal brand.

When I came up with the blog’s name it was about not just gardening with my dog, but gardening with the essence of the actual meaning of the word grace.  Stay tuned….even though we’re in the midst of a cold winter, getting sucked up in the early January ‘polar vortex’, I’m still tending to my indoor garden activities and will share those experiences as we look forward to all the 2014 has to offer.

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Why “Gardening with Grace”?

It’s been over two years since I blogged for PBS New Hour’s Patchwork Nation project, representing Nashua, NH – a ‘Monied ‘burb’.

It’s been over seven years since I first learned how to blog while I was an employee of Sun Microsystems.  (It appears that the group blogs – Women@Sun  and the DogBlog –  I once contributed to are no longer online since Oracle acquired the company.)

I’ve been feeling the need to get back online for a while now, but couldn’t seem to find “my voice”.  I’ve started to tweet, but sometimes find 140 characters constraining! (@SandyBelknapNH).

Then it hit me…blog about something that I really enjoy.  Well, I picked two things!  1. Gardening  2. My dog, Grace.

For this blog, Grace is more than just my pet’s name.  There are so many beautiful  definitions of Grace. My favorite is: ” disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.”

So here I am, back online, blogging again (more than 140 charaters per post) and I can’t wait to share my perspectives about Gardening with Grace.

And yes, while ‘grace’ has so many definitions….my friends know that I just can’t help myself and will have to include stories about gardening with my dog, Grace, too!